Tuesday, November 1, 2011

bedroom studio

1. Sophie, my old friend. 2. Trusty desk light. 3. My dad's old compass that now lives on my desk; it doesn't really work too well, but it's still great to look at!

4. Real fake ceramic coffee mug, next to a pile of sketches. 5. I also love to sew, and I love the typographic detail on this thread. 6. Beautiful colourful bracelet from my love.

7. Some of the bits and pieces on my notice-board. 8. Street flowers that are now desk flowers. 9. Bookshelf of inspiration that hangs above my bed, with the pattern that I love so much and my new bag that I love even more.

10.  Another snapshot of my well-used noticeboard. 11.A typographical rule that belonged to my dad; I still use it all the time. 12. I just like the colour of this glass! 13. Brilliant roll-up pencil case.

There's no real reason for this post, I've just been procrastinating a little bit (okay, a lot) and I decided to take a few quick snapshots of my space. I think it will be pretty interesting to look back at these in a few years time...

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